Amylase any member of a class of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis (splitting of a compound by addition of a water molecule) of starch into smaller carbohydrate molecules such as maltose (a molecule composed of two glucose molecules).

Three categories of amylases, denoted alpha, beta, and gamma, differ in the way they attack the bonds of the starch molecules. It works as a digestive aid and helps to digest fats, starch, and proteins in food.

Alpha amylase is widespread among the living organisms in which majority part is covered by humans and some mammals, the alpha amylase called as ptyalin is produced by the salivary glands.

Beta-amylases are present in yeasts, molds, bacteria, and plants, particularly in the seeds.

They are the principal components of a mixture called diastase that is used in the removal of starchy sizing agents from textiles and in the conversion of cereal grains to fermentable sugars.

Gamma-amylases are known for their efficiency in cleaving certain types of glycosidic linkages in acidic environments.


Appearance: Off white to cream color powder
Loss on Drying: NMT 5.0% w/w
ASSAY: upto 50000 µ/g

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