Apergillus Oryzae is an aerobic filamentous fungus and belongs to the Aspergillus subgenus Circumdati section Flavi, previously known as the A. flavus group.

Aspergillus section Flavi contains industrially important species, such as A. oryzae, as well as agronomically and medically significant fungi, such as A. flavus and A. parasiticus, which produce a potent carcinogenic substance, aflatoxin.

A. oryzae is named after its occurrence in nature and cultivation industrially on rice, Oryzasativa.

Aspergillusoryzae has an optimal growth temperature of 32–36 °C (±1 °C) and is unable to grow above 44 °C. It has an optimal growth pH of 5–6 and can germinate at pH 2–8.

Aspergillusoryzae grows vegetatively as haploid multinucleate filaments, designated hyphae, or mycelia. Hyphae of A. oryzae extend at the apical tips and multiply by branching, so that the colony covers the surface of the solidified agar medium after several days of incubation. Hyphal growth keeps on going in liquid medium as long as the hyphae are not exposed to air atmosphere.

This fungi is most essential to the fermentation processes because of its ability to secrete large amounts of various enzymes, which allows it to decompose the proteins of various starches into sugars and amino acids.


  • Supports a healthy immune system and micro flora
  • Promotes digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Combats pathogenic bacteria, improves metabolism.
  • Improves bowel function and GI tract health.
  • Immunomodulator


  • Improves macronutrient metabolites in laying hens.
  • Lowers the serum cholesterol of broiler chicken
  • Decrease the ammonia gas production.
  • Increases efficiency of milk yield and nutrient digestibilities for early lactation.
  • Stabilizes the rumen pH
  • Bilological control of camel tick infestation.


Appearance: White to off white color powder
Loss on Drying: NMT 5.0%
ASSAY: 10 Million CFU, 10 Billion CFU, 100 Billion CFU, 300 Billion CFU